Saturday 1 February 2014

How Writing Guest Posts On Other Blogs Can Help Your Business

We surf the internet quite often and read blogs all the time. There are several blogs that talk about the industry we operate in, topics that interest us and products similar to what we sell. We learn about what others are saying on those things. And yet, most people never write guest posts. Ever wondered why?
Research suggests that we often do not contribute on others’ blogs because we do not see any value in it. We see it as an activity that wastes time. However, that is not the case. If we post on other people’s blogs, we do stand to benefit from it. Let us see how:

Get introduced to new people

Many people out there are not even aware of the existence of your business. The best thing about the internet is that it does not have any geographical boundaries. So even if your business currently operates in a small town, there is no reason it should not expand to newer areas. When you write on somebody else’s blog, other people come to know of you and may contact you if there is a match between what they need and what you give.

No expenses needed

Writing on a blog only takes a few minutes of your time and nothing else.  Its a great way to gain online visibility and get others interested in the products or services you provide. Don’t just post to “spam” your business onto other people’s pages though. Genuinely seek to add value to the interaction and give your knowledge on the topic of the blog.

Improve your placement in the search engines

When you write on a blog, you also improve your own chances of appearing on a search result, because you are mentioned more frequently on the internet. By choosing where to write, you have complete control of the kind of people who are likely to contact you. Search engines may ban a website if they have evidence that it bought links from others. In such a case, blogging is a very safe bet for getting people to visit your website.

Direct traffic to a specific section of your website

If you have multiple pages on your website, then there are many visitors who will only visit the first few pages and then go away because they could not get to what they wanted quickly. But if you are blogging elsewhere, you can provide the direct link to those pages which are relevant.


Secondary source of income

You can identify blogs that are having a tough time managing content on their websites. They will likely struggle to keep it updated or fall behind in posting new information. You can identify such websites and offer to help. You could even work out an agreement where you can take care of the routine stuff for the blogger in return for placing your website’s banner more prominently.

Get a break from writing full time

When you write on someone else’s blog, you often do it informally. This gives you time to take your mind away from the predictable routine and do something new.

Get new opinions

When you write, ideas and opinions on your thoughts are bound to come in. This helps you gain an entirely new perspective and think afresh. You feel the pulse of what people are thinking which you can put to good use in your own business.

Helps establish your credibility

Since you write on other blogs other than your own, you build your credibility online and elsewhere. If your website has suggestions for people where they can follow your writing, they become curious about you and they want to know more. When people visit you, you can casually mention to them that you write on blogs and ask them for their opinions. In that case, they will spread word of mouth.

Relationships with other bloggers

A large chunk of conversation that takes place on the internet emerge from bloggers. They can be very useful if you successfully engage with them. Provide constructive feedback to others and ask for the same from them.

Be careful about writing too much

Remember that you are writing as a guest on someone else’s blog. So you must not overshadow his ideas or start writing on topics that are not relevant to the core subject there. Your thoughts should supplement his writing, not replace them. It’s always a good idea to agree the topics in advance and make sure you stick to the plan.

Gauge the mood of the market

When you observe the replies to your post, you are able to gauge others’ perceptions on your thoughts. And more importantly, these are the people who have something to share on what you write – so, their views matter. Take them into consideration and then you can write more effectively on your own blog.

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