Tuesday, 7 February 2017

[Tanzania]Students drop subjects as more aspire to learn

SIX more secondary schools have expressed interest to learn Chinese as a key language for study, which brings to 14 the number of schools teaching the language in their courses of instruction.

The Confucius Institute (CI) Director at the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM), Prof Zhang Xiozhen, said here over the weekend that there was growing demand for Chinese language among students across the country.
“We’ve received requests from six secondary schools – in Arusha, Musoma, Lindi and Mtwara – who wish to introduce Chinese language as a subject this year,” the CI Director said during a contest organised specifically for for secondary school students.
The contest saw a Form Five student Baobab School based at Bagamoyo, Evance Salema, emerging overall winner in a contest that pitted six secondary schools - Mtwara Technical Secondary School, St Mathew Secondary School, St Christina Secondary School, King David Secondary School and Baobab Boys and Girls Secondary Schools.
Evance, who is taking PCB, said he was interested in learning Chinese because of the many opportunities it opens, arguing the language expands one’s scope of opportunities for graduate studies.
“With Chinese you could land a job in Chinese firms investing within the country as well as acquiring scholarships to China for further studies,” said the student, who is aspiring to study medicine.
Baobab Secondary School Director Mr Halfan Swai said many of his students were dropping other languages in preference for Chinese, among others taught at the school: French, Arabic, Chinese and English -- which is compulsory. “Students have shown interest in Chinese language with majority dropping other languages in favour of Chinese,” Mr Swai said.


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