Ms Kiritta was arrested by India’s Narcot-ics Control Bureau (NCB) alongside a Zambian national Thelma Mkandawire (38) at a hotel in Mahipalpur.
The anti-narcotics bureau says the seizure is the third haul in the past month.
Contacted for details yesterday, Tanzania’s Head of Interpol, Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police (SACP) Gustavus Babile, said he was unaware of the arrest but pledged to make a follow-up on the matter.
Reports indicates that NCB officials fficials are still searching for a South African national to whom the women were sup-posed to deliver the consignment.
The Zambian woman is said to have flown to Delhi from Abu Dhabi on a Euro-pean Airline flight.
A cavity in the bottom of her travel bag held the cocaine, which were packed in a plastic bag.
“After the woman reached the Indira Gandhi International Airport the NCB team had her under surveillance,” disclosed Madho Singh, Zonal Director for NCB.
He added: “Our team fol-lowed her when she left the airport and reached at hotel in Mahipalpur.
Sometime later, another woman reached the hotel to receive the consignment. Our team stepped in and inter-cepted them both.”
Officials in India said Ms Kiritta told her interrogators that she was staying at an apartment in Vasant Kunj since January, this year and was working on behalf of a man from South Africa
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